BITREWARDS - Poin Pengembalian & Loyalitas Dalam Cryptocurrency

hallo meet again with me, today i will discuss the project about this one.

BitRewards is a blockchain and ecosystem loyalty platform that allows retailers to enjoy their rewards for customer purchases, friend actions, and invitations that can be configured with cryptocurrency. It has an absolute value for customers because they get their purchase based on cash based on Ethereal, which can be redeemed for purchase or transferred to another crypto wallet.

BitRewards also brings many benefits to retailers because they get customers who are more satisfied with the price of crypto and become more loyal. The full loyalty program increases the retailer's revenue by tens of percent. The shops also include cryptoentolesasts from the public, who are very active and appreciate the attention of the current affairs.
How does the ILO work?
Our mission is to create rewards and loyalty platforms that will penetrate online retailers of all shapes and sizes and connect them with their customers based on BIT tokens.

Merchants receive FREE BIT software

Based on innovative and profitable products with 5 years of market history. Revenue increased 17% on average.

Buyers receive prizes in BIT tokens

For purchases, invite friends, like Facebook, and more. BIT can be redeemed or cashed.

Traders buy BIT, people hold BIT

The buyer gets the liquid chip, the seller gets more sales. Community benefits from ecosystem growth.
The internal BitRewards Token is called BIT and complies with the ERC20 standard. BIT is the internal currency and is used to perform all operations within the BitRewards ecosystem.

Online store customers who participate in BitRewards Networks will receive BIT as money back - their purchases, shares, and likes on social networks and other actions. The cash back will be credited to the customer's integrated crypto wallet that automatically connects to the store via the BitRewards plugin.

BIT may be redeemed at the same store or with another BitRewards broker through an online Crypto wallet connected to participating merchants. Customer Crypto BIT customer balance can also be connected to a bank debit card, which the user can use as if he / she is using his Visa or Mastercard debit card.
Customers will appreciate the opportunity because they get cryptocurrency cash, not loyalty points.
Customers can also purchase BIT on the open market (eg the stock market, etc.) or through the intelligent contract liquidity of Bancor.
BitRewards private key network from the token holder, on a standard ether wallet or purse that supports ERC20.
BitRewards symbolic value will be determined on the open market, but only after the formalities are completed and tokens are registered on the trading platform. In most trade tokens it can be converted to ETH, Bitcoin or fiat. These numbers are accepted by all merchants using loyalty platforms and other BitRewards network partners.

Demand for BIT chips is expected to increase due to the initial limited publication of 2 billion chips, and more and more retailers joining the platform outperform customers offering buy tokens for purchases or exchanges on the open market. . .

27% Product Development
Product development according to the roadmap

39% Marketing, sales, merchant acquisition & partnerships
Expenses for attracting the retailers to the platform, making partnerships with payment providers, website builders, loyalty programs services providers and other partners.

12% Operations
Operational costs, non-tech staff salaries

6% Legal
Company and subsidiaries establishment, contracts with the retailers, development of legal opinions about the entire stack of BitRewards services and retailers' operations, etc.

16% Management
C-level executives salarie

Scene from Tokensale

Personal Pre-Sale - November 25, 2017
Exchange rate:
1 ETH = up to 41,000
BIT bonus up to 42%
Max: 21,000,000 BIT
(up to $ 0.75 million)

Pre-sale - January 12, 2018
Exchange rate:
1 ETH = up to 40,000
BIT bonus up to 39%
Max: 170,000,000 BIT
(up to $ 6 million)

Crowdsale - April 1, 2018-30 April 2018
Exchange rate:
1 ETH = up to 28,800
BIT bonus up to 10%
We can spend up to 2 billion chips, and maybe we'll spend less (current estimates are about 1 billion BIT tokens, depending on the ETH price).

The rule is simple: the number of BIT tokens sold at all stages of ICO will account for 64% of the total chip. At the end of ICO, the remaining 36% will be shared between buyers, advisors, teams, and BitRewards Foundation.

Project roadmap

1. Development of points based loyalty system GIFTD designed to reward shoppers.
November, 2016 - February, 2017

2. Structuring the concept of using Ethereum blockchain with loyalty and rewards tools and customer development of the crypto-rewards for e-commerce industry, hiring team
February - October, 2017

3. The full-functioning rewards and loyalty platforms with web retailers 'and the users' program, BitRewards, USA market expansion, research, customer development, marketing campaign.
October, 2017 - May, 2018

4. Retailer Crypto-wallet and liquidity management smart contract
March - June, 2018

5. Integration of loyalty system with Lightning Network and Raiden Network (after the launch of these technologies)
June - July, 2018

6. Customer's Mobile app with crypto-wallet
June - August, 2018

7. The Alpha-version of the AI-based rewards recommendation and items recommendation,
Asian market expansion, research, customer development, marketing campaign.
July - November, 2018

8. Mobile SDK for merchants' apps
September - December, 2018

9. Integration of AI and machine learning into the BitRewards platform
January - April, 2019

10. Blockchain-based traffic exchange between online and offline merchants
April - May, 2019


With the emergence of the blockchain, the broken loyalty industry is bound to change. We are big believers that smart contract and cryptocurrency are the core engines and fuel for the new era of customer's loyalty. Ethereum allows implementing an elegant technical solution.


Why blockchain ???

Distributed ledgers and blockchain protocols bring unprecedented value to the loyalty program of the future:

For users

For users:

* Rewards in cryptocurrency, which do not depend on the success of the merchant
* Rewards, which appreciate rather than expire
* Easily redeemable or exchangeable into any other liquid assets
* Highly personalized, custom-tailored recommendations, rewards & discounts (see BitRecommendations)

For merchants

For merchants:

* Premium free of charge software, which increases the loyalty of users and sales
* Tokenization of standalone loyalty programs and merchant-specific tokens generation platform
* Use of API to frictionlessly connect any proprietary loyalty programs to BitRewards tokens or any other loyalty and rewards program
* Free BitRecommendations API working on blockchain, managed by DAO on IPFS

For business development and security

For business development and security:

* DAO which ensures the efficiency of BitRewards network development
* Merchant data control, ensuring merchants own and benefit from their raw data
* Rewards for developers, who created successful solutions and merchants and customers, who incentivize the adoption of BitRewards network

The symbolic price is also set for growth due to our unique business model, so this price can increase in value, not expire and more on BitRewards. Watch the video below:

We are in the media

Big Data and AI Team

Other team members


For More Information please Click below:

Author : baby vita;u=1864601
