MARTINI - From people, to the people.

Image result for martinifashion

Martini is a decentralized fashion ecosystem that facilitates investment in emerging designer brands and offers a global marketplace for trading of fashion related products and services.
We believe the world of the future should be decentralized and equal - for fashion as well. Fashion will no longer be determined by a handful of emerging fashion brands and designers will have the opportunity to showcase their talents to global audiences and individuals will have the choice and means to support designers, monetize skills and trade in valuables in a transparent and untrustworthy way. platform.

Emerging Brand Investment


The emerging brand investment module is a blockchain-based crowd funding platform, facilitating anyone interested in fashion to invest in designer brands. It offers an emerging fashion designer a platform through which they can create profiles, their current portfolio list and plans for upcoming clothing lines. Designers will be able to offer equity campaigns, where they offer dividends to investors in return for investment.

Fashion market

The global fashion market for fashion products and professional services is handled through our platform protocol that critically relies on the Martini utility token (MTN). Martini Token (MTN) acts as a medium of value transactions and enables the exchange of valuables between users on the Martini platform. Built on top of the funding module, the Martini market already has a unique advantage - an existing user base that is interested in both investing and consuming fashion.

Executive Board of Martini

Martini Executive Board (MEB) will be an important decision-making body in the brand investment module. The profiles of each applicant will be carefully reviewed by MEB and they will be entrusted with the task of deciding on the designer with the greatest return on investment. In addition, they need to monitor whether the designer is doing its duty. MEB members will be rewarded with commission fees collected from each successful result of revenue.

Value for Everyone

Fashion designer

Martini provides the best and most efficient way to raise funds for the emerging line of designer clothes. Designers will easily achieve this by providing a portion of the revenue to investors. Especially for specialized brands that serve underserved markets, the time and cost to build brands directly to consumers and business scale will be reduced drastically.

Professional Mode

Martini presents the most dedicated platform for fashion-related professionals. Models, photographers and other professionals will be able to monetize their skills and work for brands they value personally. "Martinis Fashion for all".

Individual Investors

Martini gives individuals access to invest in one of the most profitable businesses. Fashion businesses will eventually be accessible to anyone in the world and fashion is no longer solely determined by multiple brands. Everyone can contribute to the success of future stars in the fashion industry.

Fashion Lovers

Martini facilitates conversations with end-user designers and consumers, combining a much more personal touch than traditional e-commerce platforms. In addition, designers funded by Martini will choose to sell the latest, beautiful and unique designs just in our marketplace, offering exclusivity to our community members.

Work on Martini

15 Fashion designers ranging from talented Parsons / Central Saint Martins graduates to independent brand owners and 20 fashion professionals including models, photographers who have previously worked for prestigious brands has signed up the interest form to work on Martini.
This is what some of them think:

Lily Pan

"As a recent fashion graduate school, I'm fascinated by the idea of working for myself with genuine supporters." I've interned at different places, but it's far from being able to decide which way to go in designing a clothing line. "

Benjamin Katcher

"Having many chances to collaborate emerging brands really excites me. I always want to look for differenct things in life and I do not think fashion should be defined by just a few designers."

Rebecca Seaman

"Being a freelancer model for five years, I am constantly looking for oppotunities and exposure." I think Martini would difinitely help a lot with that.

The Martini Token

ERC20 Token
Name MTN

Price ETH 0.000025

Total Supply 1,000,000,000

Hard Cap $ 7.5M

Soft Cap $ 0.5M

* Only individuals with over 20ETH contributions are eligible to apply to be a member of Martini Executive Board.

Token Sale
3-Day Early Bird April

50% Bonus


30% Bonus


20%, 10%, 0 Bonus


We've planned everything.

Q2-Q3 2018

Whitepaper release
Development of architectural mart system
Launch Alpha prototype in testnet

Raise public awareness and attract graduates of gifted fashion schools
Initialize partnerships with designer brands that appear in Shopify and TaoBao.

Q4 2018

Launch MVP
Martini is integrated with third-party KYC platform
The Platform Protocol is audited and launched on testnet

Further expansion of the partnership
Guidance and assistance is offered to designers on board with Martini
Reach a global audience.

Q1 2019

Live live on mainnet
Platform Maintenance and feature updates
Partnership with contract audit firm

World's leading fashion show
Partner with world-renowned fashion institutes to provide a platform for gifted students to shine.

"We will use the money raised to fuel our project and we will always place our vision above all." Decentralized future - Hold martini, WE ARE. "


R & D 40%; Marketing 40%;
Operation: 15%; Overhead: 5%

Who Made Martini?

The Martini team is consist of a mix of business, technologist and financial members and we are excellent at executing.

Felix Hildmann

Felix is a keen researcher in the blockchain field. He has been on the frontier of tech industry and has worked at prestiougous research centers. He holds a PhD degree from KTH, Stockholm.

Stephan Möller

Stephan has been leading tech teams in different companies. He has extensive amount of experience in software development process.

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Author : baby vita;u=1864601

The Martini Token
