VESTARIN - Market of goods and services for cryptocurrency

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hi guys come back with me, now i want to discuss a little about this one project chekidoooot !!!

Inspiration to change this industry, so it's best to visit everyone who reads key ideas to the end and supports them. We are a great community, which must be put together in one platform with maximum capacity. By attracting "primordial" users into the Vestarin project, we will be able to create a viable platform for anyone, as its development is closely tied to user feedback.

The Vestarin platform is the solution to many problems. And the issue that I personally, the creator of the platform, which is an encrypted sector user, faced, is that Crypto money itself is not a currency, because it can not be used and paid for a complete purchase. First, you have to sell your coins and get them for paper currency, and immediately after making a purchase.
Of course, there are stores and facilities that accept this currency. With difficulty, but can be found. However, their numbers are very low, such as joint industry capitalization of 600 billion dollars. We will be able to attract and integrate stores, services, entertainment in areas on the Vestarin platform, the normal user area can spend their encrypted money. Initially, the user will spend money in the national currency, VST token, by which he or she can perform targeted actions and purchases in one click. The token itself falls into the store's legacy, and the store sells it for the necessary currency requirements for an external encrypted currency and currency

ICO investment issues and solutions.

Obligation to investors: invest in start-ups, which can succeed and generate profits. But the first one must get the real ICO. Investors choose more of the WhitePaper idea and track approval: expert confirmation, which actually works, and positive reviews come from the blockchain community.

As a result, thanks to the hard work of well-coordinated marketing professionals, investors receive a lot of information, positive feedback and therefore feel confident that it is a very useful idea. So ICO is open. The token issued is money from fir investors, as previously discussed with the market. Consequently more than a day of high performance followed by all the details. The creator makes a helpless movement, counting the millions who are gathered there, and investors stop believing that this can work. Thus, confidence in the industry as a whole is unstable. And what, except for investment, does it put everything in work? It's actually not a problem to complete the Vestarin platform

ICO - a powerful tool for investors and the project as a whole to achieve this goal The project should be launched and completed, investors want the benefits of ICO to be unique, but unless people's beliefs are not abused, it can change this fantastic tool, which can explode soon. In order to always function, the problem must be solved. The first problem is a fake project and a fraud that is played out for the sake of public confidence. After creating an impressive website, after installing this project across the crowdfunding platform and after spending more than one important name, almost all projects will convince investors to trust it. As a result, ICO succeeded, but the success of the project has not been achieved. In fact, the creator is not too angry. Everyone likes easy money. Can be,

Solution to problem

Every newborn industry makes its way to stability "per aspera ad astra", altered by people, who believe it will happen. We are strong enough to influence even the largest in the joint capitalization process is over $ 600 billion. The Vestarin platform will gather people, skills, and opportunities to solve all problems. We must work together to perfect ICO ICO project, which will be moderated by experts from the Vestarin platform to eliminate "junk". So everything is available in the hands of users, as well as specialists, developers, and investors: everyone in the sector will devote themselves to working on a single platform.

You will be able to assess, write and criticize, obtain a picture of this reputation of ICO, therefore it will be easier for investors to make a decision, the risk will fall sharply and the false project creator will be exhibited by the majority of experts. We will also create an open chart based on ICO project results at this time and time: how much money has accumulated and how much has been invested so that you can make more assumptions before making a final decision.

Start and troubleshoot

The little genius sits at night, reads the article, writes more than one line of code, until he "gives up" something new and really fantastic. It now needs investment and team skills for implementation, but in its environment is not available as needed to the same persons or persons associated with this sector. So where should you find it?

After more than a failed attempt to get someone or attract at least more than one person who invests, he has lost hope and again in everyday life, and the world has not witnessed his brilliant project. We will make life easier for people like this. In Vestarin, your platform will be able to get investors and teams that will take you to the market with the help of category search (team, specialist and investor section), which we will add to the platform.

Solution to problem

Every day the Vestarin platform will receive new ideas to track investments. And the really interesting beginners will be able to get their investors and bring the project to ICO.
Everyone is clear that there are many ideas, but in reality some very good ideas. As a rule, a good idea can not get the right to life due to lack of knowledge and tools for its implementation. On the Vestarin platform you will get "turnkey" Not only professional and investment, but also advice, knowledge, collect each piece of your puzzle together, collect the whole community in one place. Problems and solutions of cryptocurrency holders.

paper,problems and resolution.

Obviously not all users of cryptographic technology and blockchain technology clearly speak English. For those who do not speak English, it is difficult to translate and read the necessary information, because we still think in our mom's case. Therefore, we make a decision that the Vestarin platform will be multilingual, so everyone will use it together comfortably.

Solution to problem

Therefore, you can take advantage of apps not only in your country. When you travel, you will always be clear where you can eat with your encrypted money, along with making use of geo search.
List of languages: - Bhs English - Chinese - Korean - Japanese - Hindi - Arabic - Spanish - Czech - German bhs - Portuguese - Russian - Turkish - Italian bhs - French bhs - Polish

Problems and information resolution.

Well, there is a lot of information and information about Blockchain technology, but at the same time there is a lack or scope of unnecessary models. We want to collect resources based on the Vestarin platform, ordering useful information by category and section. For example, in the "Articles" section, you will see a list of topics where any amount of aggregate information comes from the Internet with the source. Resources always appear as before, but now they are organized and combined in one place, which will save time to track this or that information.


We anticipate the development of the entire section, where we will connect the puzzle to a single image, where you can create a team, join, or join. Each user will be defined by his / her profile, specialization: Adviser, Coder, Investor, Specialist, Marketer, Designer, Traffic Arbitrator, Analyst, Investor, etc. You can ask someone to select the relevant category in the search field and directly call the integrated chat.

Monetize smart shared contracts

Commission commissions for exchangers are paid monthly. The commission is automatically deducted from the account by the smart contract (if the amount in the account is insufficient, the dealer will close after 5 days, which is required for the settlement of the unopened transaction, and no new applications will be accepted). If a moderator refuses an exchanger application for integration, activation is not possible, commissions are not collected.
After activation, the exchanger appears on the platform in the "Exchangers" section of the completed form with all necessary information. On the platform, the exchanger feels operative with users and prospects. Users of the platform will also be able to write reports and evaluate the exchangers, select mutual reputation reputation Mutual will be removed from the integration.

Monetize smart shared contracts

* The advantages of integrated offline store costs

Vestarin platform users will be able to store offline stores physically. Geolocation search is integrated into the platform and can pay articles with VST Token. The main condition for an integrated offline store is to offer users a discounted cashback platform, shown by stores along the integration.
How does it work? First of all, offline store owners integrate it, fill out forms and show disk sizes. cashback. After activation, the storage is displayed on access to the platform and the user can find it with geolocation. Visit this offline store, select the right product and transfer the VST token for the purchase amount. The smart contract requires cashback with tokens for the number of discs, which are determined, minus the cost along the platform.

Monetize integrated online shopping contracts smart together

Owners or representatives of online stores are listed on platforms like regular users. Select section: For company> Integrate online store> Fill in large forms> Contents of article storage (photos / pictures / prices etc)> Submit application> Medium application and evaluated by platform expert> If approved, "Activate" button will appear (for the online store commission integration is free).
After activation, the online store is displayed on a platform in the "Online Store" section along with a wide range of products. This involves users and potential customers. Users pay for purchases with a VST token, which purchases a personal account. Shopkeepers accept orders and pay in VST token, which is managed and the platform automatically loads commissions from the store for purchases made through smart contracts. Platform users can leave feedback and evaluate each online store, select a reputation. Archive together with low reputation will be removed from integration

Monetize smart shared contracts

*Integrated HoReCa, offline services and entertainment benefits

Vestarin users will be able to reunite with geolocation areas, restaurants, bars, hotels, services, entertainment, integrated into the platform and justified to pay for the joint means of VST tokens. The main condition for an integrated offline company is to provide a cashback platform to users with disk. Integrated at the time of the company owner.
How does it work? First, offline business owners collect their restaurants, hotels, bars, services, or entertainment, compile forms and display disk sizes. cashback After activation, institution or means of access to the platform that appears, and the user can find it with geolocation. After using a particular service, you can pay with VST tokens and smart contracts making rebates for users, plus discounts, fewer commissions on the platform


Before ICO public presentations will be prepared for partners who want to make a purchase of VST Pre-ICO from 30 January to 28 February 2018. 1 = 3000 ETH VST VST Only 10.5 million will be issued for a certain price for some participants have learned to know each other before.

We currently have sufficient funds for the current work since the beginning of the project. Due to really great platform ambitions, successful Pre-ICO will help expand the developer team and increase encoding speed. Thanks to the additional funds received after the pre-ICO success, we will be able to release prototype versions of the basic VST platform before the official ICO. Additional funds will help VST conduct a solid and intensive international marketing campaign in the countryside.

Pre-ICO Fund Distribution:


ICO will be held at Marketplace for Crypto. Pre-ICO DIRECTLY! website, dated March 5 - April 4, 2018. The token sale will last 30 days. Vestarin aims to detect up to 100,000 ETHs coming from major tokens customers. Smart contracts will stop accepting investments after reaching the 100,000 ETH limit.

Below is a table showing the development of VST values, relative to the total number of ETH collected along the ICO.

Distribu, with 45% ICO funding - to the development team with about 15-20 engineers. Development of mobile platforms, web-platforms, desktops and app versions, business development, market relationships, great partnerships, building communities around the world. Revenue from token sales will fund product launch and further development:

20% - marketing costs, multimedia content, public relations and appeal of all types of users, presentations and ad campaigns, targeted traffic purchases. 15% - the cost of integrating stores and services, restaurants, exchangers, working with content information platform, management. 12% - employee and office operating expenses. 5% - legal support. 3% - bonus for developers and creators.

road map

September 2017: Developing Team October 2017: Development of Ideas, establishing Technical Specifications December 2017: Draft January 2018 Project: PreI-CО, Demo Version Launch March 2018: ICO, Complete Development April 2018: Market Listing, alpha testing, Launching "Information" Professional Blocks, July 2018: Marketing, Attracting Professionals, Beta Testing August 2018: Launching Blocks "For BUSINESS", "ICO", Integrating Partners October 2018: Full Volume Marketing, SMM, CPA, PR, Papers November 2018: over 500 stores and provider services on the platform December 2018: Launching online / offline block for cryptocurrency purchases January 2019: 1 million users, 2,000 stores and services March 2019: opening of representative offices in Spain, USA, April 2019: Establishment of representative offices in Japan, China, Korea , May 2019: 10 million users, 8,000 stores and services June 2019: SHOULD have apps for all crypto fans

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Said Radzhabov

Jane Alieva

Alex Shmelev

Alex Strakh

Vlad Palamarchuk

Alina Bondar

Max Tishchenko

Yuriy Lysytsia

Evgeniy Borisenko

David Potier

Daria Sabinina

Max Kravchenko


Wulf Kaal

Simon Cocking

Douglas Lyons

Reinhard Berger

Bojan Oremuž

for more information contact this link: 

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